08 March 2013

TFTP Server in Snow Leopard

I have an old WRTP54G from Vonage and wanted to unlock it so I can setup my own VoIP with Asterisk. But in order to do that the instructions indicated I needed to have a tftp server setup using windows and that just looked like a lot of setup/work. So I looked at how to do it on a Mac and this is what I found.

You can start and stop tftp using the following commands

sudo launchctl load -F /System/Library/LaunchDaemons/tftp.plist

sudo launchctl unload /System/Library/LaunchDaemons/tftp.plist

tftp files are stored in /private/tftpboot

Now That was Easy!

I did however still need a windows vbox to run cyt35.exe and I don't have the code or know what it does so I couldn't hack it from the mac. Maybe I'll dig into it some day.

TFTP [source]
WRTP54G Unlock [soruce]

11 January 2013

Raspberry Pi

A number of moths ago I purchases a Raspberry Pi. It is basically a computer smaller than a 3x5 card with a price around $35. You can find out more about it and the number of amazing things they are capable of at raspberrypi.org.

I may have to get a few more...

As for the ONE that I do own I've followed a few steps and set it up with XBMC (which is a nice little media center). You can read how to do it at raspbmc.com.